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After using Thirdeye for some time, I learned about the new REXX interface. As the process of building the directory of available pictures in thirdeye takes its time, I thought about using REXX to download all new/changed pictures automatically. So I modified the REXX demo cmdfile. Now it checks for new/changed pictures available from the camera and downloads them without user interaction. It is possible to specify a directory with filenames not to download, even if available from the camera. For first time use it is necessary to modify the cmdfile for directories and options.

To get the most out of the automatic download, the camera should not use subfolders and increase the picture number globally. These are settings I can select for my NIKON coolpix 990.


For every available picture from the camera, the name, size and optionally date/time are compared to the corresponding file in 'picdir'. If any difference and the filename is NOT in 'igndir', the picture is downloaded from the camera and the file date/time is set to the date/time of the picture in the camera.

Modified REXX script
REXX script by Frank Beythien
Charming photos!

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