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OS/2 is a greatly different operating system for PC (ArcaOS, eComStation, IBM OS/2 Warp)
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How to buy
russian OS/2 apps?

The concept of
OS/2 development

ArcaOS 5.1.1 Update

February, 2025 - Arca Noae company (USA) released refreshed version of ArcaOS operating system. What's new? It's an uodate of 5.1 (dosenz of utilities and libraries were updated).

Warpstock Europe 2025 is coming

Warpstock Europe is planned to the spring of 2025.

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Blonde Guy

Reformat Утилита для форматирования USB флешек, USB винчестеров (для совместимости с OS/2)




// 2024.php //

ArcaOS разработка

Ноябрь-декабрь - наблюдаем, что ведется разработка ArcaOS (обновляются модули: подсистемы и программы)

source: eCo Software, 2024/12/01


File Open Container

В течение лета - начала осени, Glassman отлаживает File Open Container, редкие утечки памяти. Это делает FOC еще более надежной, фундаментальной основой для операционной системы.

source: eCo Software, 2024/12/01


eCo Software создаёт
программы для OS/2


Окно для выбора файлов - уже в составе ArcaOS, eCS



What is the Target Market of eCS/ArcaOS?

If you look back into the past, 2001, 2005, 2010, 2025. You can see that eComStation and ArcaOS are developed *for companies* which are using Solutions based on IBM OS/2 (solutions developed in 90-th).


"One man, no man"

Building an Operating System - it's a huge project. it's like building a real City (build houses, dig flowers garden, etc). Thousands of people are going this in the city.

Conclusion: Standalone developer is unable to create something. Always join a group, interact with other developers. Moreover, interace with all other "characters" (managers, resellers, Active users, ..)


Unique OS/2 User Interface

OS/2 is diffrent from other systems thanks to unique User Interface.

[eCo Soft достижения]

eComStation developer

eCo Software was the leading developer of modules for eComStation 2.0

[Биржа предложений]
Blonde Guy

"Multi-language of OS/2"

eCo Software have create LANGE library for the developers. All messages in the code of your program are written on english. The library loads translated text from resource file.

[TV ролики]

USB Flash in OS/2

OS/2 doesn't support Windows USB FAT32 flash disks. You should re-format USB flash disk in OS/2 to FAT32. After this you can use this USB flash in Windows AND OS/2.


OS/2 Hardware Test

Testing OS/2 with different computers: i5 Gen 10, Gen 12, UEFI, ..

(История OS/2)

Innovations in OS/2

IBM OS/2 Warp was ahead thanks to innovations: list of features

[eCoSoft shareware]

For dummies

Report: OS/2 compatible hardware


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eComStation Serenity Systems International • OS/2 Warp IBM Corporation • ArcaOS Arca Noae