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ThirdEye NetDrive plugin
What is ThirdEye ?

ThirdEye is a digital photo cameras control program and now it has new instance - as a NetDrive plugin.


You are owner of a digital camera, you already have a standard software shipped with your device. I won't wrong if I guess it is a Windows software. I know the other thing - if you read this text you're searching for a native OS/2 software. This is the right place for your searching. ThirdEye provides many different ways to gain an access to your camera, and the plugin for NetDrive is one of them.

What is ThirdEye plugin ?

ThirdEye plugin is a dynamic loadable library for digital photo-camera link and pictures access protocols. It allows you, by using standard OS/2 techniques like copying files from the command line, drag and drop by mice :-), copy taken photos from your digital camera to your PC equipped with OS/2 and NetDrive with this plugin.

What can and can't the ThirdEye plugin do ?

Plugin allows you to perform almost all file operations possible in OS/2 - copying, moving, deleting files from your digital camera. Plugin doesn't perform any picture conversions. You'll just get your pictures in format which they are stored in your camera. The only exception is thumbnails - thumbnails always are converting into jpeg format. Than you'll be able to see and transform them (for example with PMView) as you wish.

How to install?

Plugin installations is very easy. ThirdEye plugin distributed in archive ndp3deye.zip. You have to unzip it into an empty directory. Then run instlpl.cmd from the directory. You do not have to reboot the system.

How to work with ThirdEye plugin?

Connect your camera to PC with serial link cable provided in the camera package. Switch on your camera first. Note. Some cameras need to be turned to the connect mode before accessing (consult camera User's manual). Than mount the camera resource.

nd attach u:

nd createmp u:\MyCamera

nd mount 3dEye u:\MyCamera CAMERA=KODAK280;CAMCOM=COM1;CAMBAUD=115200;REGKEY=ThirdEye.KEY w

First line - create a new NetDrive drive letter.

Second line - create the mount point for mounting the ThirdEye resource.

Third line - mount resource into the created mount point. There are four parameters.

CAMERA - type name for to your camera. For example KodakDC280. Now are supported following types: OLYMPUS, KONICA100, KONICA200, HP200, KODAK280, KODAK210, DIGITA, CASIOWRIST, KODAK3200, CANON, FUJI.

CAMCOM - serial port name where your camera is attached to, it could be any available serial port on your computer, for example COM3 etc.

CAMBAUD - serial port desirable speed, speed can be selected as one of standard serial port speeds from 9600 up to 115200 bps.

REGKEY - full filename for ThirdEye registration key.

After mounting, you may go to the NetDrive drive. When you open MyCamera folder you will see files with names DSC_XXXX.JPG and TMN_XXXX.JPG. Group of files with names begin with DSC is your photos. Group of files with names begin with TMN is thumbnails for that pictures. Thus you can copy and look through the thumbnails and than copy the pictures you pleased. Don't forget - you can't delete thumbnails, they will be deleted when you delete corresponding pictures.

If you want to finish work with your camera, you should unmount the resource :

nd unmount u:\MyCamera 0

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