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  • You are able to download DEMO version (fully functional, but with some limitations);
  • We recommend you to Register. Registration will allow you to use full version without any limitations and to get a support;
  • If your task is too complex and that programs don't allow you to resolve it, then you can Order a new solution based on the ThirdEye technology.
Commercial version (v.2.2)

Commercial version of ThirdEye is located in Restricted Area
Use login and password given you as registered user to download ThirdEye components:
(example: wget -c http://mylogin:mypassword@www.ecomstation.ru/download/comm/ThirdEye/thirdeye201-PM.zip)

version 2.2 version 2.01

ThirdEye/VIO (133Kb)
ThirdEye/REXX (155Kb)
ThirdEye/NetDrive (147Kb)

ThirdEye/PM (728Kb)
Spanish and Deutsch resources (drop *.lng files to thirdeye's directory)

Demo version (v.2.2)

Restrictions of DEMO version:

  • Limitations of demo PM version: Annoying message box on startup;
  • Limitations of demo VIO version: Users have to type "I agree" keyword;
  • Limitations of demo NetDrive plugin: Users have to type "I agree" keyword and all operations are limited by six pictures;
  • Limitations of demo REXX library: Operations are limited by six pictures;

version 2.2 version 2.01

ThirdEye/VIO (128Kb)
ThirdEye/REXX (154Kb)
ThirdEye/NetDrive (148Kb)

ThirdEye/PM (725Kb)
Spanish and Deutsch resources (drop *.lng files to thirdeye's directory)

Additional files

Comments: Contact Igor Vanin if you can't gain an access to a commercial or demo version;

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