For developer:
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(Бонусы) Advice:
(Барьеры и решения) Technologies:
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New eComStation:
(Ссылки на другие сайты) (Картинка дня) OS/2 artefacts:
Apple iPhone 3GS
Mark: Good Direct USB-connections including backup and upgrade are not possible
with OS/2 but only with Apple's iTunes program, running on MAC and Windows.
But there are a lot of Apps working fine with OS/2 / eCS:
- Air Sharing for data transfer via Wi-Fi or for using OS/2 / eCS as file server
- ssh, telnet and VNC clients remote control of PCs running on OS/2 / eCS via command line or VNC (Wi-Fi, 3G or Edge connection)
Information is sent by: Wolfgang Reinken -- 2011-05-31 23:21:22
Test the program:
How to mount encrypted disk? NDCrypt - plugin for NetDrive.
eCo Software was participating in the development of drivers:
- ACPI - OS kernel, resources management, power management
- Panorama VESA - universal video driver
- JFS - boot feature implemented
- Uniaud - initial support of HDAudio
- USB - restore of source code
Ideas for the developers:
eCo Labs: Help us to opensource Calendar PM control, debug it and improve. You can find the example in the DevCon toolkit.
IBM OS/2 Warp