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PM CTorrent Manager is a graphical interface to the "Enhanced CTorrent" BitTorrent client for OS/2. Version 0.10 is now available:
Starting with this version, you can now open torrent files and start CTorrent from within PMCTM. At the moment, this feature requires that
you have ACT.EXE somewhere in your PATH. You can also monitor/manage torrents which were started with CTorrent manually (i.e. outside PMCTM), if you specified -S (CTCS server) option using the local server address.
The advantage of using PM CTorrent Manager is that you can view, monitor, or terminate any or all of your CTorrent downloads from a single window. This also lets you run CTorrent detached if you want to, thus not cluttering up your desktop and/or window list. And, of course, you can monitor CTorrent downloads on other computers on your network.
PMCTM in general, and especially the new logic for managing torrent files,
is still quite experimental and probably has many bugs. In particular, there are several known flaws in the logic used to determine whether or not managed torrent files are currently running. See the README.TXT for details.