Клиенты, использующие eComStation. This companies are using eComStation. Подробнее

Solutions based on OS/2

Operating systems:
ArcaOS, eComStation, IBM OS/2 Warp
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This companies are using eComStation

(Fill the web-form: Name of company, homepage, comments. Send a notification if you continue purchase eCS)

2012/06 source: ecomstation.com
  • Alstom Transport Limited
  • Belgacom
  • Bowe, Bell + Howell
  • Canadian Coastguard
  • Caterpillar
  • Colgate Palmolive
  • Federated Insurance
  • Fujitsu Japan
  • IBM Global services
  • Johnson & Johnson
  • Massachusetts Institute of Technology
  • Max Planck Institut
  • Michelin
  • Norwich Union
  • OCE Technologies BV
  • Qatar Petroleum
  • Siemens AG
  • Stanford University
  • Trustco Bank
  • US Postal Services
  • Universal Instruments Corp
  • VMware, Inc.
  • Whirlpool Corporation
2011/05, Warpstock Europe 2011, Mensys:
eCS sold on new equipment! Universal Instruments: "Debbora Ahlgren, Universal Vice President of Marketing. "With the Generation 88 release, we incorporated improved usability features such as the eComStation Operating System offering a simplified user interface and improved networking and file transfer." source
2011/05, Warpstock Europe 2011, Mensys:
eCS sold on new equipment! Large customer with climate control equipment (not updates, new licenses!).
2011/05 Голландская компания ASM, которая производит чипы. Также покупает eComStation.
2009/xx International corporation Whirpool is using eComStation.


This companies were using eComStation / IBM OS/2 Warp

2008 A.I.Built, Inc
West Islip, NY, USA 11795

Uses eComStation and OS/2 Warp Server for e-Business for all web, email, file, ftp and MySQL serving/hosting.

Runs custom GeoCoding Services Engine on A.I.Built's eComStation systems and Warp Server for e-Business Servers.

Deploys custom web based Emergency Medical Services Database solutions running on eComStation.

2005/xx Step 5 and Siemens controllers

read more (RUS)

2007 OS/2 was used as part of the Satellite Operations Support System (SOSS) for National Public Radio's Public Radio Satellite System. SOSS was a computer-controlled system using OS/2 that NPR member stations used to receive programming feeds via satellite. SOSS was introduced in 1994 using OS/2 3.0, and was retired in 2007, when NPR switched over to its successor, the Public Radio Satellite System.
2006 OS/2 was widely used in Brazilian banks. "Banco do Brasil" had a peak 10,000 machines running OS/2 Warp in the 1990s. OS/2 was used in automated teller machines until 2006.
- International Voice Messaging Systems

the leader in Voice and Fax Processing Systems.

2002 OS/2 is still used in the banking industry. Suncorp bank in Australia still ran its Automated teller machine network on OS/2 as late as 2002. NetIQ Manages Over 1000 Windows Servers for One of Australia's Largest Banks; ANZ Bank Completes Roll Out of NetIQ Management Software to 1,300 Servers
199x Digital Modelrailroading
199x Oil industry (Russia)
199x Radio Amateurs, the HAM/2s
1995 ? OS/2 also was widely adopted by accounting professionals and auditing companies. In mid-1990s native 32-bit accounting software were well developed and serving corporate markets.
- OS/2 ran the faulty baggage handling system and Denver's new airport to replace Stapleton. The OS was eventually scrapped, but led to massive delays in the opening of the new airport.
1996 ? OS/2 was used by radio personality Howard Stern. He once had a 10 minute on-air rant about OS/2 versus Windows 95 and recommended OS/2. He also used OS/2 on his IBM Thinkpad 760 laptop.
- OS/2 is still used by Shell New Zealand Petroleum Stations as the main operating system.
August 14, 1995 Union Bank is using OS/2: source: http://www.informationweek.com/540/40mtos2.htm
- OS/2 is still used to control the SkyTrain (Vancouver) automated light rail system in Vancouver, Canada.
- OS/2 is still used by The Co-operative Bank in the UK for it's domestic call centre staff, as a bespoke program was created to access customer accounts which cannot easily be migrated to Windows.
199x SCADA



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