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Unsupported hardware
COM-port digicams
Developers of Olympus SDK informed us that Olympus 2500L cannot be controlled by software.
ThirdEye doesn't support the following cameras. We are going to support them in the future.
This USB cameras are supported by Standard USB Mass-Storage Device Driver. (You are able to use your cameras as a disk drive)
Casio 2x00, 3x00
Minolta Dimage 7
Nikon Coolpix 995
Olympus C-200Z, C-860L, C-2040, C-3040Z
HP PhotoSmart 315, 618, 912
Fuji 1400Zoom, 2400Zoom, FinePix 4700Zoom, Finepix 4900Zoom, FinePix1300, FinePix4500
Leica Digilux 4.3
Sony DSC-F505, DSC-F505V
Toshiba PDR-M4
(Read details here: Using the Toshiba PDR-M4 Digital Camera with OS/2 via USB)
Some of enumerated cameras are not supported by OS/2 USB Mass Storage device driver.
ThirdEye doesn't support the following cameras. We are going to support them in the future.
USB, FireWire digicams
ThirdEye doesn't support such hardware. We are testing high-level USB driver (from Netlabs) which will allow us to get an access to USB cameras. Survey related to this driver is here:
http://ecomstation.ru/poll.php?action=show&id=4 (completed)

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