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ThirdEye's Hall of Fame
Here are listed people and companies who and which helped us to develop this product.
Canon Evgeny Brednya
Hanno Sedlmayr
Rodrigo Rios
gPhoto developers - Wolfgang G. Reissnegger, Edouard Lafargue, Philippe Marzouk.
Kodak DC210/215/280 Eastman Kodak Company
Paul Smedley
Elbert Pol
David Del Col
Jay Schwartz
Kodak DC220/260/290 aka Digita : Eastman Kodak Company
Ralph Cohen
Thomas MЛller
gPhoto developers - Johannes Erdfelt
Open Digita developers - James C. Thompson, Viljo Hakala
Kodak DC3200 Peter Lazenby
Andreas Huettner
Donn Morrison
Kodak DC20/25 dc2totga developers Oliver Hartmann YOSHIDA Hideki
Perry Werneck
Konica : Konica Manufacturing U.S.A. Inc.
gPhoto developer - Lutz MЭller
Fuji : http://sites.waldonet.net.mt/christian/index.html
Mamoru Ohno http://www.yk.rim.or.jp/~mamo/Computer/DS-7/detail-e.html
TsuruZoh Tachibanaya
Jan-Hermann Dau
Sam Little
Casio QV10/QV100 : Jun-ichiro "itojun" Itoh.
Igor Pool
Casio WQV Wrist camera : Marcus Gr?ber
Ricoh RDC-7 : Bob Paauwe http://www.bobshome.org/free/philips/philips.html
Albert M. Svoboda
Kodak and Olympus We collaborate with developers of Kodak and Olympus SDK.
PrintQ - Print Library for OS/2 Presentation Manager Programs. Peter Wansch
Beta-tester: Igor Gruzdev
Deutsch interface Silvan Scherrer, Chris Hellwig
Spanish interface David Arturo Macias Corona, Francisco Garcia
The JPEG codec included in ThirdEye is based in part on the work of the Independent JPEG Group.
The EXIF data decoder included in ThirdEye uses libexif library Curtis Galloway
Sorry if we didn't mention somebody else, we beg your pardon guyes ! All of you were (and still are) very helpful !

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