НОВОЕ: OS/2 GURU - Вопросы и ответы

Siberian OS/2 (Сибирская OS/2)

eComStation myths 



There is no WiFi drivers

  • * the development requires many efforts.
  • * how many users need wifi?
  • ** all users with os/2 laptops are connected to internet via ethernet already
  • ** yes, wifi will help them if go to public places. yes, it's important in hotels.

  • * so, how many users really need wifi today, at friday? 10 users or 30 users? 30 users, every one has one model of wifi adapter. 2006 year, 2008, 2010, .. 2015, 2022, 2025, ...
  • * conclusion: every os/2user has different wifi. you will never meet the requirements of our wifi users.

Temporary solution: there are ethernet to wifi access points. Blonde Guy mentioned it 100 times: https://www.blondeguy.com/ https://www.blondeguy.com/TravelRouters.html

I tried to use this adapters during os/2 conferences. and I failed because hotels interfere into the traffic and show dialogs to verify you, get money, etc. and our web-browser can't process this dialogs, as I understand. so, this adapters are unusable usually.

So, bettery spend "virtual 10 000 euro, 20 000 euro" into web-browser development. instead of driver development (if we see that it requires too many efforts). So the web-browser will allow connect to modern wifi network.

thx e-co, 2025/03/21



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