(This beta was released two weeks ago)
Serenity Systems International is pleased to announce the second public beta of OpenOffice.org 2.0 for eComStation and OS/2.
This build is based on the 2.0.4 sourcecode of OpenOffice.org, making it on par with the current Windows releases.
Beta 2 is available for immediate download in English, German, Italian, Spanish, French, Russian and Dutch to all customers of the Support Agreement for OpenOffice.org for eComStation and IBM OS/2, via their download-area at the Mensys Online Shop.
You can login to the Mensys Online Shop at: http://www.mensys.net/login/

Screenshot: OpenOffice.org 2.0 public beta 2 for eComStation
- Please make sure to read the included READ1ST.TXT document, which includes hints on installation and a list of known issues.
- Installation takes around 300 MB of drivespace, plus an additional 40 MB per installed language.
- Innotek FontEngine is now fully supported, which provides improved fontrendering.
- It is advised to use TrueType fonts (TTF) over Type1 fonts (eCS default) as they render better with the Fontengine.
- no eComStation or OS/2 specific enhancements are available in this beta yet.
- Numerous fixes have been implemented. For more details, please read READ1ST.TXT
Planned enhancements
- support for Innotek FontEngine
- support for mouse wheel
- enhanced clipboard
- bidi & dbcs font support (depends on demand)
- WPS support
- native GUI controls
- support SANE for scanners.
Support for the following items is not planned
- Java support
- Mozilla support
More information
More information on OpenOffice.org can be found at: http://www.openoffice.org/
User Support
Support specific to the eComStation and OS/2 version can be obtained through the ticketing system at: http://www.ecomstation.com/support/ooo2/
A newsgroup is available for community support at news://news.ecomstation.com/ecomstation.support.openoffice or http://news.ecomstation.com/thread.php?group=ecomstation.support.openoffice
Best regards,
On behalf of Serenity Systems International, the Mensys Team.