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eComStation breathes new life into Access Community Radio |
TITLE: eComStation breathes new life into Access Community Radio
DATE: 2005-12-01 12:19:11
Access Community Radio, broadcating as Planet FM
is a community access radio station in Auckland,
New Zealand, managing content for 130 programme makers
in 52 languages. Planet FM has used OS/2 Warp based
program called Startrax as their Radio Station Automation System
since 1996.
Music, Adverts and Programmes are either recorded or imported
into Startrax. Once in the system the audio files
are scheduled into a strict format which is used
by the Airplay Computer to play everything
to the listening audience and manage the studio switching.
Failure of a key workstation required a new computer
to be purchased. After many failed attempts to install
OS/2 Warp on the new computer Access Radio were being
forced to seriously consider changing Automation Systems.
Startrax and OS/2 Warp had been such a stable
solution for Access Radio that change was not welcome.
As a not-for-profit organization with minimal available funding,
the implementation of any new system would also have been
fiscally challenging.
The discovery of eComStation has breathed new life
into Startrax and Planet FM. Instead of having to look
for a replacement Radio Automation System, Planet FM
is now confident of using Startrax for another five
or ten years.
eComStation was easy to install on the new computer
and configuration to connect to the network went without
a hassle. Planet FM staff have been impressed by eComStation
and are now upgrading older OS/2 Warp computers
to the new operating system. An unexpected benefit
of upgrading to eComStation has been noticeable performance
increase in Startrax.
Homepage: http://www.104.6planetfm.org.nz
Test the program:
Weather Widget - view current temperature (forecast for the next few days where available).
Comments: Bill Armstrong  2005-12-02 19:48:41 | What a great story. I worked in radio before the days of automation, and I'm encouraged to know it is possible to program and automate a station using eCS.
| Francesc  2005-12-03 20:54:04 | Hello , were can i get Startrak for Os/2 ?
Is it still sold ? , can somebody send it to me ?..
Really thanks | Ben Dragon  2007-12-11 22:36:01 | Yes, StarTrax sounds very interesting and I wouldn't mind having a copy of that myself.
Has anyone found a way of getting a copy?
Please E-mail me if you have anything on this, my E-mail address is valid. Thanks.
Ben | Ed Durrant  2009-01-17 12:50:19 | From what I can research, it appears that the software came from the IBM BBS system - so it may be on a mirror of this if you can find it. |
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