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OS/2 is a greatly different operating system for PC (ArcaOS, eComStation, IBM OS/2 Warp)
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eCo Software
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payments from USA

How to buy
russian OS/2 apps?

The concept of
OS/2 development

Blonde Guy

Reformat Утилита для форматирования USB флешек, USB винчестеров (для совместимости с OS/2)




// 2024.php //

ArcaOS 5.1.1 Update

February, 2025 - Arca Noae company (USA) released refreshed version of ArcaOS operating system. What's new? It's an uodate of 5.1 (dosenz of utilities and libraries were updated).

Warpstock Europe 2025 is coming

Warpstock Europe is planned to the spring of 2025.

eCo Software создаёт
программы для OS/2


Набор утилит DVD/CD Toys для работы с DVD дисками
На скриншоте показа папка с иконками утилит.



Beta-testing, 0 distance

The experience of previous 25 years demonstrates that: every new feature for OS/2 requires several years of development, usually new modules are included to OS with delay: 3 years, 5 years or 10 years.

It's wrong!

New functions should be available today. At coming friday, not in 2030 year.

OS installer should offer list of beta-versions of new modules (new 30 - 50 experimental modules).

Blonde Guy

Zero reaction

Many developers of OS/2 applications were working several monthes on a project, but get 0 feedback, 0 reaction.

1) The age of OS/2 users is high, they are watching but don't spend efforts to "send likes" to every project. 2) In current situation, it's necessary create products for 100% of the users, don't make special products.

What to do? (we don't have advice)


Unique OS/2 User Interface

OS/2 is diffrent from other systems thanks to unique User Interface.

[eCo Soft достижения]

eComStation developer

eCo Software was the leading developer of modules for eComStation 2.0

[Биржа предложений]
Blonde Guy

"Russian version of ArcaOS OS/2"

Install english version of ArcaOS. Install LIP package with russian resources

eCo Software is working on russian version of OS/2 since 2001.

[TV ролики]

USB Flash in OS/2

OS/2 doesn't support Windows USB FAT32 flash disks. You should re-format USB flash disk in OS/2 to FAT32. After this you can use this USB flash in Windows AND OS/2.


Report: OS/2 compatible hardware

Every year eCo Software was publishing a report what computer to select for OS/2. Report: OS/2 compatible hardware

(История OS/2)

Video conferences in OS/2

Skype was created in 2003. Video-conferences sofware was available for OS/2 in 90-th (not available now)

[eCoSoft shareware]

Blonde Guy

Reformat Утилита для форматирования USB флешек, USB винчестеров (для совместимости с OS/2)

[ArcaOS 5.1.1]

DOS works again

ArcaOS 5.1.1:

DOS virtual machine works again (it was working on Core 2 Duo, and didn't for i5). Install ArcaOS in UEFI mode to use DOS VM.


Blonde Guy

OS/2 doesn't have WiFi drivers

That's why it's not comfortable to use OS/2 on laptops.


Wizard (Russia)

Wizard is designing for OS/2 since 2004.

[History: People]

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Stream: ArcaOS 5 - ghost of OS/2

Youtube video, russian language

(not translated)

Main idea: during two hours people are discussing OS/2 without knowing what is it.

For dummies

Database of OS/2 compatible hardware


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