НОВОЕ: OS/2 GURU - Вопросы и ответы

Reviews / articles about OS/2

Operating systems:
ArcaOS, eComStation, IBM OS/2 Warp
eComStation myths 





Upgrade ArcaOS to NeoWPS level

  • Install original PNG icons drawed by designer, specialized at OS/2 adornation.
  • Install eSchemes 2018 to change colors and buttons on desktop.

OS/2 and DTP - there is a chance

TITLE: OS/2 and DTP - there is a chance

DATE: 2002-03-27 09:54:43

AUTHOR: Alexander Belyaev
Please use online translator
go to http://translate.google.com
and request the translation of http://ru.ecomstation./projects/reviews/index.php?id=52
to your language

........... ........., ... . OS/2 ........... ........ ... ........ ......... ........... .. ...... ... ....., ......... ........ ...... AI ... PageMaker ..... ...... ..., .. ...-... ...-.... ....... ......

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  • GhostScript
  • Adobe Distiller 3.0 for Windows
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    • ........ ......... ......... . GhostScript, ................ ... ..... .......... ...... gs_rus.zip.
    • ............. PMPDF. ... ......... .. ...... Install Ghostscript in: blablabla? ........ 'No'. . ....... .......... ....... ... ......... PDF Writter . . ......... Apple Color LaserWriter 12/600.

    ...... ... ...... - .. ...... ......... .......... .. ......, ... ..... . .. ...... ........ ....... PDF. .........: ... ........... ......... ....... . ....... ........ ....... ......... . Job Properties ........ . ......... .. ........ Output ....... ........ ..... Use Downloaded Fonts, . ....... ........ Use Device Fonts, ........, .......

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  • ....... 2.

    • ............. . ....... ....... PostScript ........ .. ......... ............ . ........ .... ........ ......... . ........... . ..... ...... .. .... ...........: HP DesignJet 3500 CP PS3 (... ....... ........ - .. A0), . Canon LBP-1760PS (... ...... ........, ...... . ....... ......... ....... A4).
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    • .. .......... .... ............ Adobe Distiller. ... ....... ... ...... ........ .... ....., ... ... ....... ........... ...... .. .... ........ ... .......... . ...... 'Job Options' ....... .......... ....... ........ 'Embedding All Fonts', . . ...... 'Font Locations' - ...... .... . ....... ...... .......... (... ... . ... .......... ....... .......) . ........ .... . ..... X:\PSFONTS.

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      TEXMF = "e:/os2utils/texmfv/"
      URW = "e:/os2utils/gstools/fonts/"
  • ... .. . ...... 'TYPE1' ........ ....... . ........... PSCyr:
    TYPE1 .
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    ..... ........ *.ps - 'vlatexp.cmd file.tex'

    ..... ....... ......... ..-....... ......... ......... .........:

    %% Template for using with vTeX & PSCyr font family

... . ........ ...... . ...... ...... ..... .... fed_tex.ini . ......... FeD, . ....... .. Alt-F9 ...... ..... ........... vTeX . ........... "........ ......."

......... ........., ... ...... . ...... ..., . .. ...... . ..... ..... ......... .. .......... . config.sys .....-.... .............. .........., ...... ... ...... %path% . %libpath% ....... .. .......... ........, ..... ...., ....... ...... ....... ... ...... ...... .. .............. 5-10 ........ .......... ......... ........... ...... ... ... .......... .... ......... ..... ......... ......: .... ......... ..... ......... .... . .... . %libpath% ... %path%, . ..... ....... ......... ......... .........., .. ..... ........... ........:

@echo off
set beginlibpath=;
set path=;%PATH%
set help=;%HELP%
set foo=fred
set bar=mike
program %1 %2 %3 %4 %5

. ...... ... . .........., ......... .. %PATH%. ... ............. ....... ... ..... ....... ...... .. ....... ...... .......... - ........... ........ ........ - ......... ... ........... ini-......, ............ ......., ........ .. ...... ...... ......... .. ..... ............ ......, .......... .. ........... . ........ . ......... ..... 2-3 ....... *.cmd


....... . OS/2 .. ....... ....... ........ ................ ........ ...... ......... ....... ......., .......... ........ ... ....... ..... ...., .. .., ... ...., ...... ......... ......... . ...... ... .... ..... ..... - ... ......... .................. ...... ..... .. ..... .......... ...... .......... ......... ......... "........" ....... ...... ......., ............, ... ........... ........ ........ ............ ........... ....... ., ..... ......., ........ .......

..... ......: Alexander Belyaev

Test the program:

DrWeb - eComStation PC is able to detect and cure viruses on Windows computers.


2002-03-27 22:40:59

. ..... .. ........... ..........

.... COREL DRAW .......... STAR DRAW 5.1

. ..... ........ ......... . .... .... ......... ............

Andrei Porodko
2002-03-28 06:19:51

........ . .... . .. .... .... . PDF, .. . ............. .........

.... .. ....... ..... ;-)

Vladimir Pirogov
2002-03-28 15:15:27

.. .. ....., ....... ..... .. ... .......... . ........ PDF ... OS/2, ..... ...... ......... ....... .. ...... ........., ....... ........ ..., ........... ... . ............. ....... . OS/2. :-)

Eugene Gorbunoff
2002-03-28 17:23:09

2Vladimir Pirogov: . ......., ... .. ...... :) .. .. ..... .... ..... ...... .......... ...., ....... ..... ....... . ................. + ........... ....... ...., ......... ......... .. ......, ... .. ..... ...... .......... ........, ... .... ........ ...... .......... . ..............

Alexander Lapshin
2002-03-28 20:52:54


. ... START Draw 5.1 .. ..........?

2002-04-05 10:50:10

2 Alexander Lapshin

.. ....., ... .... .. ......... ...... StarOffice

Andrew Smirnoff (AKA spear)
2002-04-22 23:21:39

......... . ....., . ...... .... .... . DTP (Desktop Publishing). . ..... .....-.. ..........., ... ......... PDF. .. PDF .. ........ ........, ....... ... ..........! .......... ....... ......., ....... . ...... ..... QuarkQPress ... Adove Pagemaker. . ............ ............ ... - ........ . Quark 3.3 (.. ......... .... . Win-OS/2)

How to increase the population of eComStation? Every eCS specialist can setup eCS for own friends and relatives, then print instructions how to use the system LiveBook brochure



(C) OS2.GURU 2001-2021