НОВОЕ: OS/2 GURU - Вопросы и ответы

Reviews / articles about OS/2

Operating systems:
ArcaOS, eComStation, IBM OS/2 Warp
eComStation myths 





ArcaOS 5.0 Russian
Russian ARCAOS exists and it's available since the middle of 2017. All versions are supported: 5.0, 5.0.1, 5.0.2.

eCo Software is able release OS/2 LIP packages for any other language (German, Dutch, Brazilian Portuguese, Spanish, Sweden, etc)

Separate user's data from applications

TITLE: Separate user's data from applications

DATE: 2010-11-09 00:25:47

AUTHOR: eCo Software
Please use online translator
go to http://translate.google.com
and request the translation of http://ru.ecomstation./projects/reviews/index.php?id=226
to your language

...... .. ....... ............. .., ... ... ......... ......... eComStation .......... ........... .. . ....... ....... . ....... ...... ......... .. ....... ...... ... .. ..... .... ......, .... . ............ .... ......... . ..... ...... .........

........ ......... . ............. (. ........), ....... ........... ......... ........... eComStation. ...... ..... ......... (........) ........ ........... ........., .... ..... .......... ............ ... .... ..... ......... .. ..... ...... ............ ........ ..... .. ....., ... ..... ...... ......... ...... ...... . ........

1. ....... N 1

..... ......... ...... . eComStation, .. ....... ...., ......... ........ . .... ......., ... ...... ................ . .... ....... WarpIn. ........ ............ ......... ... ........... WarpIn.

2.1. ....... N 2

...... ..., ....... .. ...... ......... - ........ ...... ............ .. .........

.......... ........ ......... .....:

...... .........., ............. . .......

..... .......... ........... . .... ...... ........... ........ WarpIn. (... .......... ..... ......... ............).

.........., .......

....... . 2005 .... ....... ..... ........ ... ............... . ....... PROGRAMS

...... ............ (........., ......... . .........; .......; ..) ......... ......... (.cfg, ..)

2.2. ...... .. eComStation ... ...... ..........?

. 2003 .... ... eComStation ... ............. ........ eCS File and Directory Standard (eFDS), . ....... .......... ... ........... ......... ........ (........ ... ........, ........ . ...... ............).

........ ........., .. .... ........ .......... ... ..............

2.3. ........ ..: ...... .. ............ ....... ... ........ ..........?

(......... .. eComStation ...... ............ ... ........?)

.....: eComStation 2.0 .. ...... ... ........ ...........

... ........ ........ . eComStation 2.0? ......... ..... eComStation ...... ...... ...... eComStation / IBM OS/2 Warp ........ ...:

  • ... .. .............
  • ... ...... ..... ......... .. ......... ........., ...... ... ............... ...... ...... ..... ........... ............ ........
  • ...... ....... .... - ... ......., .. ............ . ..... (.......) Previous Desktop
  • ... ini ..... .......... . ...... ......... ... ......... ........, ... ...... . ........

... .... ..... .... .......... ...... .............

(thx Yuri Proniakin)

3.1. ....... ... ..... ...... . ........

(......... .......)

.......... ....... - ....... . "......" ...... . ....... .... ........, ............. . ....... (... ...... ........, . ....... ...... .. ........ + ... ........... ........, . ....... ...... . ......... ........)

............ ............ .. ......... .......:

  • ......, 50 ............ (....... ....... . ..... ........... ..........) - ... ....... ./... .exe - ... .. ............... ..........
  • ......... ... 50 ............ - . ... ... ....... . .exe ........ ... ......... ........ . ...... .............

..... ..... ............ ............. ..... ...... ............ ....... . ........ ........... ...... ..... ............ ...... . ......... .. ".......".

3.2. Appendix: ... ......... ...... ...... ............ . .... .........?

Firefox / Seamonkey / Thunderbird
  • DATA: .......... %home% -> default -> Firefox / Mozilla / .. - ... .. bookmarks
  • DATA: ..... Downloads
FileCommander .... .........
  • CFG: .ini
DVD Toys
  • DATA: ..... ........
CoolFM .... .........., . ....... ...... .... .
  • CFG
  • DATA: ...... wav/mp3, .......
  • CFG: ......... ........
....... NeoWPS
  • CFG: Weather widget -- %HOME% -> E:\HOME\DEFAULT\weater.lst
  • CFG: ..... ............ *.ndc
  • DATA: .... email ........., ........ .....
...? .......... .......... ..... ...-..... (........ ........., DATA: .. , CFG: ..)


Test the program:

[You can promote your application here, contacts]


2010-11-11 08:20:19

.. ..... ..... ... .......... ...... .. ..., ... ....... .... (.......... . eCS 2.0 rc4 .. eCS 2.0 GA):

* ... .. .............

* ...... ........ eCS ............ . ....... PREVIOUS, ...... ... ......... ..... ...... ........., ........... ...... ........

* . ....... .......... OS/2 ...... ...... .. ........... ..... ..... ...... ........ .......

* ...... ....... .... - ... ......., .. ............ . ..... (.......) Previous Desktop

* ... ini ..... ............ ... ............., . ... ........... ..... .......

* ... ......... ........, ... ...... . ....... ............ .......... .......... ........./....... ............. . ........ eCS. ......... ... .. .......... ..... . .......... .......... . ....... PREVIOUS, ... ........ .......... .. .......... ........... .. ....... - . ... ..... ........!


1. ........ . OS/2 ........ .......

2. ........ . eCS ........ .......... .... .. .. ...... ....... . ............ ..... . PREVIOUS, .. ... ........ .. ...... ............. . ... ..... ... ...... . .......

3. .. ..... .......... .......... ......... .......... eCS . ... ..... .......

It's easy to maintain eComStation: a) Fast installation (20 minutes and it's ready), b) Universal drivers, replace a device - the system boots and continues work, c) Use eCS to recover damaged Windows (no danger to be infected by virus)



(C) OS2.GURU 2001-2021