ArcaOS 5.0 Russian
Russian ARCAOS exists and it's available since the middle of 2017.
All versions are supported: 5.0, 5.0.1, 5.0.2.
eCo Software is able release OS/2 LIP packages for any other language
(German, Dutch, Brazilian Portuguese, Spanish, Sweden, etc)
ESWay: Третье поколение eComStation |
TITLE: ESWay: Третье поколение eComStation
DATE: 2011-01-01 03:37:20
AUTHOR: eCo Software
Edition: 2014/06/08
eCo Software is collecting recommendations what to implement in future (large)
version of eComStation operating system.
All operating systems are similar today.
To compete on the market, we should offer different User Interface experience
+ Development tools aimed to create the applications with *this* user interface.
Let's follow the recommendations of Jean-Louis Gass?e: "The OS Doesn't Matter?"
Goal N 1: Extend the User Interface
Components |
Add components:
- Include DragText (ready for use)
- New File Open Container (ready for use)
Schemes |
Complete eSchemes (change desktop colors, buttons and icons)
Icons |
Sunny icons - unique icons, following IBM OS/2 traditions + modern view.
Other suggestions |
Goal N 2: Create Development Tools
Distribute information about existing developer's tools
New tools.
Add libraries
SQLite |
What do you think about idea to include sqlite to eCS? (by default)
Current situation: the developers can't create simple databases and are inventing self-made formats of data.
Goal N 3: eCo Market
It's necessary provide catalogue of software for users.
Novice users don't know what software is available, old users
are tired to install apps manually.
eCo Market homepage
Goal N 4: Upgrade mechanism
Provide mechanism for future upgrades.
Example: the user purchases eCS 3.0. To get eCS 3.1 he wants
apply the fixpak (no need to re-install the OS).
Terms of supports: 1-2 years.
To get eComStation 4.0 the user should re-install it.
In additional to main goals, there are more tasks:
Appendix 1. Develop applications and utilities
Minimal requirements to eComStation v.next:
Appendix 2. Drivers, kernel
eComStation will be used on notebooks, netbooks and tablets.
As result, suspend/resume should work on any hardware
(depends on ACPI driver).
It's clear that new version will include updated device drivers.
There is development of device drivers:
Mensys Roadmap (2010/09)
- USB stack should be updated (1.0, 1.1, 2.0)
- USB 3.0 driver (later)
One more list of tasks:
Large tasks for eComStation developers in 2011
- Support of flash disks partitioned in Windows
(eCS supports any flash disk partitioned in eCS)
Appendix 3. New sub-systems
Add components to eCS CD1:
- Java 6 -> OpenOffice/Java -> SWT and Eclipse
- CUPS printing system
Appendix 4. Base runtimes
- updated eCo Software runtime
- New runtimes: include Qt4 runtime to eCS CD1
- Create additional runtime:
sqlite dll + ..
Appendix 5. Requirements of Solutions developers
- To protect eComStation PC located in public places,
it's necessary include Security/2 to eCS CD1.
Appendix 6. Installer
Read more
Appendix 7. Change the structure of the operating system
Appendix 8. NLV support
It's difficult translate the whole CD to other language.
We offer deal with LIP (Language Interface Package) packages.
eCo Software have created such package aimed
to switch interface of English eCS 2.1 to Russian interface.
Appendix 9. Desktop objects
- Resort Setup applications:
a) add shadows to System Setup folder,
b) add TCP/IP Setup to Internet folder, etc.
- Create more folders in Programs folder:
Graphics, Science, .. check the posting of Martin Iturbide at os2world.com forum
Appendix 10. Small important fixes
- Unicode dll -- eCS bug-tracker
- Windows EXE fix -- eCS bug-tracker
Test the program:
DrWeb - eComStation PC is able to detect and cure viruses on Windows computers.
Comments: Darcio  2011-11-06 05:45:33 | Embrace the Open Source approach to projects...do away with the old fashioned, old mentality of proprietary software. Only this approach has any chance to grow our user base and bring new & fresh talent into the community.
Support this by:
1) releasing a FULL development kit, which supports the existing tools
2) formulate a proper plan for major applications and porting efforts (what are the standard toolsets to support work on Firefox, Seamonkey, etc, etc?) | Andrei Myshansky  2011-11-06 18:50:24 | Appendix 8. NLV support
It's difficult translate the whole CD to other language. We offer deal with LIP (Language Interface Package) packages. eCo Software have created such package aimed to switch interface of English eCS 2.1 to Russian interface.
And how to obtain this package? All the questions that was asked here left without answer. So I try again. Dear Mr Eugene Gorbunoff, how could I obtain this pack (also known as "eCSOver")? I am registered user of SSS subscription. I twould be nice if you answer here or to my e-mail. Thank you! | Marcus H. Russell  2011-11-06 20:48:44 | Please keep DOS. I have many CADD files created with Generic CADD and would like to keep them available as well as run Generic for which I have many macros I created. Thanks
Mark | Brett  2011-11-07 20:32:27 | OpenGL Support and hardware acceleration for graphics chipsets is essential!
Furthermore, hardware graphics acceleration will really improve eCS' usability for Web browsing and multimedia applications, as well as for academic use (modeling, CAD, chemistry, etc).
The VIA/S3 platforms have opensource drivers available. These should be investigated in order to improve the platform. | Chen  2011-11-09 10:59:22 | topic Appendix 8. NLV support,
all the core components of operation system (e.g. ACPI driver, file system, shutdown menu and so on) shall be able working under DBCS codepage.
The system shall be able to recognize file name with mix codepage characters, display and open it correctly. | Martin Iturbide  2011-11-16 23:00:38 | Darcio. I endorse the idea of embracing the open source approach.
OS/2-eComStation is not a big market, so people should not expect to make money selling eComStation-OS/2 software, or trying to sell software to Mensys to bundle it to eComStation.
We need to endorse as much of open source possible to create a working clone of OS/2. On this way the platform will be save from became abandomware.
About the GUI. I think the best idea is try to revive XWorkplace project to enhance eCS GUI. Even GUI improvement should be open source. There is no reason to include "closer source / Future abandomware" on the operating system. | Alexander  2013-06-16 19:05:25 | ...... ........ eComstation
/2 Warp |
eComStation is recommended for home users: a) no viruses, b) native software + ported programs + start other OSes inside VM, c) A thousand of REXX-scripts aimed to automate small tasks, d) play favorite DOS-games. |