Entity | Type | Scope | Short Description |
is_dir | function | public | Returns TRUE if the specified location is a directory.
is_file | function | public | Returns TRUE if the specified location is a regular file.
is_root | function | public | Returns TRUE if the specified location is a root directory.
is_url | function | public | Returns TRUE if the specified location is a URL.
scheme | function | public | Returns the scheme followed by a colon (:) of the specified location.
sdecode | function | public | Passed any string value, decode from URL transmission.
sdrive | function | public | Returns the drive letter followed by a colon (:)
if a drive is specified in the location.
sdrivedir | function | public | Returns the drive letter or scheme and the path of subdirectories, if any, including the trailing slash.
sfext | function | public | Returns the file name extension, if any, including the leading period (.).
sfextrep | function | public | Replaces an extension of the specified file.
sfname | function | public | Returns the base file name without any extensions.
sfnameext | function | public | Returns the base file name with file extension.
smakepath | function | public | Creates a single path name, composed of a base path name and file
or directory name.