PM Library classes

package File-Utilities

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File and directory management functions.


EntityTypeScopeShort Description
is_dirfunction publicReturns TRUE if the specified location is a directory.
is_filefunction publicReturns TRUE if the specified location is a regular file.
is_rootfunction publicReturns TRUE if the specified location is a root directory.
is_urlfunction publicReturns TRUE if the specified location is a URL.
schemefunction public Returns the scheme followed by a colon (:) of the specified location.
sdecodefunction public Passed any string value, decode from URL transmission.
sdrivefunction public Returns the drive letter followed by a colon (:) if a drive is specified in the location.
sdrivedirfunction public Returns the drive letter or scheme and the path of subdirectories, if any, including the trailing slash.
sfextfunction public Returns the file name extension, if any, including the leading period (.).
sfextrepfunction public Replaces an extension of the specified file.
sfnamefunction public Returns the base file name without any extensions.
sfnameextfunction public Returns the base file name with file extension.
smakepathfunction public Creates a single path name, composed of a base path name and file or directory name.

Created Fri Aug 3 09:13:16 2012.
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